Saturday, May 3, 2008

First ever BlackBerry clamshell phone unmasked, dubbed the 'Kickstart'

Ready to have your brain blown out through the top of your head? Look above -- you're staring at the heretofore unseen BlackBerry clamshell, the Kickstart. The Boy Genius snagged a handful of photos of the device (which apparently he's known about for "a while"), and has decided to share his good fortune with the rest of the world. The phone sports a Pearl-esque keyboard, typical trackball navigation, and apparently utilizes both an internal and external LCD screen. No word on specs, carriers, or a release date, but BGR is saying this puppy is due before the end of the year. You'll know more when we know more!
[Via: Engadget ]
[Tag: blackberry, breaking news, BreakingNews, clamshell, kickstart, research in motion, ResearchInMotion, rim ]

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